Thursday, February 28, 2008

It was too cold for softball.......

Morgan had a softball game Tuesday at 5 PM. The thermometer in the car said 48 degrees but with the wind chill, it was about 35. Need I say it was COLD????!!! I did remember my thermals and had layers under my jacket but it is just not comfortable to sit on metal bleachers in a 40 mile per hour gusting north wind that is blowing right into your face. I was able to get my ski gloves off long enough to snap a few pictures. And don't let the pictures fool you. The sun WAS out but it was STILL cold.....
Morgan ready to swing. She got several good hits regardless of the cold.... Yahoo!! What a hit!! See the softball at the edge of the picture.....
Morgan is ready to come home from third........
Crossing home plate......
Morgan playing third.......
Thank goodness Robinson won something like a bazillion to nothing. They called the game early because of it. We could finally get out of the cold before the sun went totally down. Her next game is tomorrow night but the weather was much warmer today, although still a bit windy from the south. Hopefully tomorrow will be a more comfortable day to be outside.....


Kristy said...

way to go morgan!

Lorie said...

I love this Morgan!! Makes me miss Dani playing. She was a catcher too!