Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Productive Day and Spring Fever

Yesterday being President's Day, I had the day off. Other than cooking beans, we worked around the house. Greg washed and cleaned out his truck. The day was a little cool but the sun was great. I think I have spring fever........

This poor bird house looks so lonely and forlorn.......waiting for spring and its new occupants.....

This tree looks so barren......waiting for spring and the awakening of new growth......

And then I am pleasantly surprised by my daffodils (jonquils) blooming.......they are so pretty and are God's promise of spring and new life (grandbaby) and things to come......


dieterich said...

DO NOT click the link above!!! It is spam and will start installing spyware and/or probably a virus on your computer!!

Kellys said...

How do you know this and how do you keep it from happening? Can it be blocked from the get-go or what?

Lorie said...

Paula... you can delete that post..