Saturday, November 22, 2008

Busy Saturday......sort of....

Today dawned cloudy and cool. Greg had two basketball games to referee at Robinson, and then mid-afternoon, he had to change gears and officiate a couple of girls ASA softball games. I went up to the game for a while to watch. Then I went back home.
Marci and Jeremy brought Jonathan by for me to watch while they did some shopping, planning to look for a new Christmas tree. While they were gone, I started a big pot of chili and then took Jonathan by to see his great-grandmother, then back home for his bottle. I had a few things I needed at the grocery store so we ran to get them. I had kinda forgotten how it is to hold a baby and shop.......but he was really good. When we got back, he played on the floor, cooing and sometimes screeching. He has become very vocal.
In the car seat, ready to go.
Greg got home from his games a bit after 6, and we had some nice, spicy chili for dinner. We even watched a couple of pretty decent movies on tv. It was really a nice, laid back sort of Saturday.

1 comment:

Lorie said...

You knew if you got one nice weekend like last one, the next weekend would be crazy!!

Hope he makes decent money doing his referring. Something he enjoys and making money is the best!

Jonathan is getting big and as cute as ever!