Monday, August 11, 2008


If you don't like plants, just pass over this post and go back and look at the last picture of Jonathan. We finally got a little rain this afternoon and I was on the patio looking at my plants.
My pineapple top looks really good. Someone had one that didn't survive.....
The banana trees got shredded up pretty badly during the storm last week. I am trying something new by taking them out of the ground and putting them in this large pot. The plan is to bring them indoors during the winter. It may have to go to my office when it gets cold outside.
This is a new plant from this year, in a pot that Greg bought me for another purpose. I about needed CPR when he told me what he paid for it and then it never became a fountain....
The split leaf and rubber plant are both doing well. I am going to have to sweet talk Greg into making me some rolling plant stands so that all the large ones can be taken to my office. I lost several last year when I just put them in the garage for the winter and it got too cold for them. I don't want a repeat of that.
Asparagus fern......
I am probably proudest of this, a ficus tree that I picked up in a ditch down the road. It was sitting out for the trash, no pot. There was another smaller tree too that had lost almost all of its leaves that I now wish I had picked up as well. I was too busy snagging this one and wasn't sure that the other one was salvageable. The leaves on this one were very light green, almost yellow, from lack of moisture. Once I got it home, it spent at least a month sitting in a large trash can with nothing in it but several inches of water. I wasn't sure if the tree would lose all of its leaves and put on new ones or if the existing ones would hang on. Little by little the leaves started turning green again. I could not find a pot large enough for it so it is planted in a tub that livestock feed comes in, Greg drilled drain holes in it. This one will really need wheels for the winter......
.....and I still have no birds in my aviary. It has just been too hot. Maybe in the fall when it begins to cool off a bit I will buy some birds.

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