Monday, August 13, 2007

IKEA in Round Rock


ashley said...

Oh I love IKEA, I wish we had one close by. What did you guys get?

Kellys said...

This IKEA is about an hour from Waco. When my son suggested we run to IKEA, I said "isn't that a car place?" and he said "mom, that is KIA". I didn't know the difference. He LOVES the store and will probably get some things for their new house there. I only came out with a wooden chopping block and blade to chop herbs. Of course, Madison found LOTS of things that she really liked, like these bright colored dishes. I think I will have my son go back and get a dolly baby bed for a certain someone that we saw while there. I am sure we will visit IKEA again in our travels to and from Round Rock to visit the kids. Love you guys bunches, paula