Kaylee Jayne Dieterich, born 5 weeks early on October 10, 2011, weighing 5 lbs 9 0z, 19 inches long, by c-section......mom, dad, and baby are doing well......a long, long, long day to say the least....Thank you God for your constant care.....
Ummm.....Carter had a struggle with a chocolate pretzel....and it won!!! Charley LOVES Kitty.....no Kitty is not dead, just laying still for a rub.....
Ready to head home to Round Rock......and we finally had glorious, wonderful rain last night!! Thank you God!!!
I was able to get some tickets to the Baylor/Iowa State game on Saturday night. It was really a nice night.....clouds and windy......we even rode the motorcycle to the game..... I was also trying out my new lens for the first time....someone took the other zoom lens swimming last summer....
The Baylor band takes the field.....brought back memories of watching Jeremy....
Ahhhhhhhh.......Sic 'em Bears!!!
It is great living in a college town......and for the football team to win!!!