Thursday, April 17, 2008

Enjoying Outside

This little guy sat on the fence so long this afternoon that I was able to run inside and get the camera. I started out just outside the door with the zoom lens. Then I moved closer, and closer, and closer still. The little hummer just continued to sit and pose for me. I was probably about 5 to 6 feet from him at this point.
I couldn't believe my good luck with him sitting still.
These are some of the amaryllis that we moved from Jeremy's duplex when they left at the end of last year. It wasn't the most ideal time to move them but we didn't have much choice if we were going to take them. I think they all survived. Jeremy has some at his house that are blooming and all of mine are blooming, too.
I was outside this evening when I got home, just piddling around with my plants and in the yard. I noticed that a potted "walking" iris that Millie gave me at Thanksgiving is pushing a bud. It should be blooming by next week. It appears that I was able to save a palmetto (Greg and Millie both say I will be sorry that I wanted one, although since I intend to keep it confined to a pot, I don't think it will be taking over here) and a fern. There is another plant that is coming out but I have no idea what it is. I guess I will just have to wait and see what it does. I hope to get to work with my pot plants over the weekend.


Kristy said...

Did you purposely say your "pot plants" or did you mean to say potted plants? Was that a freudian slip on your part?

Kellys said...

Ok, potted plants....I know this is payback from the tortilla shell comment..... :)

luv, p